From 2022 to 2024, the AzCRH supported the Arizona Department of Health Service (ADHS) Arizona Health Improvement Plan (AzHIP) Rural & Urban Underserved Health priority area through an Interagency Services Agreement (ISA). AzHIP provides a structure for a networked system of partners to improve the health of communities and individuals across Arizona. The entire 2021-25 AzHIP can be found at azdhs.gov. The AzCRH specifically worked on the strategy to “address health professional shortages by building a diverse healthcare workforce” and tactic A of this strategy, “develop strategies to reduce financial and other barriers for underserved students in health professions/provider education programs.” This page includes two reports that were submitted to ADHS as part of the project deliverables. This reports are intended to inform the AzHIP network as they work to improve the health of communities in Arizona.
Strategies to Reduce Barriers for Underserved Students in Health Professions Program:
Publication Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Publication Authors: Jack Ringhand, MPH, RN, Angel Oteng-Quarshie, MPH, Jennifer Peters, Ann Garn, Bryna Koch, DrPH, Dan Derksen, MD
This report presents the findings from key informant interviews with a) program directors of pathway and rural and underserved education experience programs, and b) health professions college student services professionals to better understand the financial and other barriers experienced by underserved students in the health professional education programs . This report includes recommendations to address these barriers.
Health Professions Pathway Programs: A Literature Review:
Publication Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2024
Publication Authors: Jack Ringhand, RN, MPH, Bryna Koch, DrPH,
This report summarizes the findings of the AzCRH AzHIP team’s literature review of the common practices of health professions pathway programs. This report includes a summary of 26 articles that describe health professions pathway programs and describes the common elements of these programs.