The current version of the AzMAT Mentors Program came to an end in September 2023. We will maintain this website for another year, until September 2024. We encourage folks to access the resources here such as our Resource Guide (available in English and Spanish) and our Quick Guides for providers. Please consider participating in the Providers Clinical Support System training and mentoring. You can find more information here:
The Arizona Center for Rural Health (AzCRH) partnered with the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) to implement the AzMAT Mentors Program. This program provides guidance to new or inexperienced providers to increase their capacity for providing medication-assistance treatment (MAT) services in Arizona. The goal is to improve access to evidence-based treatment for individuals with substance use disorders (SUD) and specifically opioid use disorders (OUD).
To achieve this goal, we match experienced and new MAT providers to engage in collaborative consultations. Experienced MAT providers are practitioners who are Arizona licensed and have provided MAT services for at least one year and/or treated at least 20 patients. New MAT providers are practitioners who are Arizona licensed and self-identify an interest to collaborate with an experienced MAT provider.

» See some of our recent evaluation findings
» Learn about the organizational benefits of the AzMAT Mentors Program HERE.
We have built a collection of tools that serve as a quick guide to help providers. This resource will be helpful for providers as it delineates important topics:
Tool 1: Starting conversations about substance use
Tool 2: Improving cultural humility to better serve diverse populations
Tool 3: Reducing substance use disorder stigma
Tool 4: Treating perinatal opioid use disorder
Tool 5: Wellness and Well-being for Healthcare Providers
Tool 6: Identifying and Affirming Patients Strengths and Resiliency Factors
Medication-Assisted Treatment, or MAT, is a whole-patient practice that combines Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved medications and behavioral therapies to treat substance use disorders. Addiction and non-addiction specialists may provide MAT services. Non-specialists are encouraged to treat patients with OUD and may do so by obtaining a controlled substance license.
The majority of providers are treating few or no patients with OUD. Commonly reported barriers include: lack of time, availability of behavioral health services, and concerns around diversion and patient misuse.
While barriers exist for implementing MAT, there are numerous reasons for optimism:
- MAT is effective for treating opioid use disorder.
- An estimated 22.35 million adults have resolved their alcohol and drug problems.
- Comprehensive Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is effective for delivering MAT outside of an Opioid Treatment Program.
- Receiving support from an experienced MAT provider is one strategy for overcoming barriers.
There are two ways to participate, as an experienced or as a new MAT provider.
Experienced MAT Providers participate in AzMAT Mentors Program training and collaborate with 1-2 new MAT providers via one-to-one consultations. Please see flyer for more information HERE
New MAT Providers receive one-to-one support from experienced MAT providers and Arizona Center for Rural Health faculty and staff. Through collaborative consultations, participants set tailored learning goals and receive guidance and support through ongoing communications. Please see flyer for more information HERE
- If you are interested in learning more about collaboration between sober living homes (SLH) and medication assisted treatment (MAT) providers, check out these webinar slides.
- If you are interested in learning more about solutions and resources for providing MAT, check out this brief.
- If you are interested in learning more about the DATA-waiver process, please visit the Provider Clinical Support System.
- If you are interested in continuing education on MAT, please visit the Arizona State University Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy.
- If you are interested in important resources for prevention, treatment, and recovery for people with substance use concerns/disorders, check out the AzMAT Mentor Program resource guide: English | Spanish
- If you would like to know more about the AzMAT Mentors Program, review definitions and frequently asked questions (FAQ) by experienced and new MAT providers, click HERE.
- Provider Clinical Support System
- Arizona State University Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
- Opioid use disorder and behavioral health services for people who are American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/IN) in Northeastern Arizona
An AzMAT Mentors intern, Kennedy Orr, wrote Health Program Sustainability. You can find the report here.