AzCRH Publications

AzCRH Annual Reports
Center for Rural Health annual reports summarize activities related to its mission to improve the health & wellness of Arizona’s rural & vulnerable populations.

AzCRH Studies & Assessments
Published peer reviewed research on rural public health or health care; needs assessments at the organizational, community, or state level, and more.

AzCRH Workforce Reports & Briefs
AzCRH Workforce Reports & Briefs are analytical publications of the current supply or demand of the health workforce.

AzCRH Policy Reports & Briefs
Policy Reports & Briefs are longer analytical or shorter summary publications written to educate and inform specific policy discussions or questions at the state or local level.

AzCRH Guides & Manuals
AzCRH Guides & Manuals are intended to help users understand resources, programs, policies, or data applicable to rural health in Arizona.