Arizona has the third largest American Indian population among all the states. The state’s rural population is 15 percent American Indian, and more than half of Arizona’s 15 counties include reservation lands within their borders.
The CRH staff has collaborated with many of Arizona’s sovereign nations to provide leadership and grant writing training, increase the American Indian heath professional pipeline program, provide technical assistance on health promotion/disease prevention interventions, needs assessments, and health promotion planning.
In addition, the staff has worked closely with the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc., the Arizona Department of Health Services Native American Liaison, Indian Health Service, and other federal, state, and local agencies and organizations to improve the health of American Indians in rural Arizona.
American Indian Health Resources

Federally Recognized Tribes in Arizona
Arizona State Museum
Arizona Department of Health Services Native American Liaison
The purpose of the Native American Liaison position is to serve as an advocate, resource, and communication link between the Department and Arizona’s Native American health care community comprised of twenty-one tribal health offices, three Urban Indian Health Programs, three Indian Health Service Area Offices, Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc., and other agencies and entities providing direct or indirect public health services to Arizona’s Native American communities.
Arizona Health Disparities Center
AHDC is in the Arizona Department of Health Services within the Bureau of Health Systems Development and is the Federal designee for the State.
Mission: To promote and protect the health and well being of the minority and vulnerable populations of Arizona by enhancing the capacity of the public health system to effectively serve minority populations and reduce health disparities.
Arizona Native Net
ArizonaNativeNet is a virtual university outreach and distance learning telecommunications center devoted to the higher educational needs of Native Nations in Arizona, the United States and the world through the utilization of the worldwide web and the knowledge-based and technical resources and expertise of the University of Arizona.
Arizona Smokers Helpline
The Arizona Smokers’ Helpline offers telephone-based counseling to quit tobacco.
- Evidence-Based Practices
- List of Tribal Tobacco Projects:
Arizona Vital Statistics/Arizona Department of Health Services: Health Profile of American Indians
Administration on Aging: Native American Programs
Administration for Children and Families: Administration for Native Americans
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Office of Tribal Affairs
ATSDR and the Office of Tribal Affairs is committed to assisting tribal governments in meeting the environmental health needs of their people.
Centers for Disease Control: American Indian and Alaska Native Populations
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: American Indian and Alaska Native
Environmental Protection Agency: American Indian Tribal Portal
American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) coordinates the Agency-wide effort to strengthen public health and environmental protection in Indian country, with a special emphasis on helping tribes administer their own environmental programs.
Department of Health and Human Services: American Indian/Alaska Native Profile
Department of Labor: Indian and Native American Program
The First Nations Development Institute
First Nations has been working to restore Native American control and culturally-compatible stewardship of the assets they own - be they land, human potential, cultural heritage, or natural resources - and to establish new assets for ensuring the long-term vitality of Native communities. First Nations serves rural and reservation based Native American communities throughout the United States.
Indian Health Services
National Diabetes Education Program
Publications for American Indian communities
The National Native American AIDS Prevention Center(NNAAPC)
The National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (NNAAPC) helps organizations that serve Native communities to plan, develop and manage HIV/AIDS prevention, intervention, care and treatment programs.
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Information
Quick Find & Order; click on American Indians/Alaska Natives, takes you to webpage
- What You Need to Know Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Among Native Americans
- Native American Children's Program Kit (with videos on DVD)
- CSAP Substance Abuse Resource Guide: American Indians and Native Alaskans
National Indian Child Welfare Association
The National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) works to address the issues of child abuse and neglect through training, research, public policy, and grassroots community development.
National Indian Health Board
The NIHB, a non-profit organization, conducts research, policy analysis, program assessment and development, national and regional meeting planning, training and technical assistance programs, and project management. These services are provided to tribes, Area Health Boards, tribal organizations, federal agencies, and private foundations.
National Resource Center on Native American Aging
The National Resource Center on Native American Aging serves the elderly Native American population of the United States. The Center is committed to increasing the awareness of issues affecting American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian elders and being a voice and advocate for their concerns. Through education, training, technical assistance, and research, the center assists in developing community-based solutions to improve the quality of life and delivery of related support services to this aging population.
Office of Women’s Health/Minority Women’s Health: US Department of Health and Human Services
One Sky American Indian Alaska Native National Resource Center for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
One Sky Center is a National Resource Center for American Indians and Alaska Natives. It is dedicated to improving prevention and treatment of substance abuse and mental health across Indian Country.
Social Security Administration American Indian and Alaska Natives website
The AIAN website provides basic information and ongoing updates of programs administered by the Social Security Administration and the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS). We also provide information on how individuals and tribes or nations can contact the Social Security Administration, ongoing outreach efforts, and links to related federal programs.
United States Department of Agriculture: Office of Tribal Relations
Victim Services: Promising Practices in Indian Country.
Office for Victims of Crime. U.S. Department of Justice.
American Indian Census/Populations
- U.S. Department of the Interior: American Indian and Alaska Natives - U.S. Census Bureau
- Facts on the American Indian and Alaska Native Populations
- American Indian and Alaska Native Data and Links
- Tribal Statistical Areas Program 2010 Census
American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian
Indian Health Service Provider
The IHS Primary Care Provider is a monthly publication of the Indian Health Service (IHS) Clinical Support Center. It targets health care professionals including, among others, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, and dietitians. The editors welcome articles, letters, commentaries, and editorials that would be of interest to all those who provide health care to American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Obesity and American Indians/Alaska Natives
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, 200 Independence Avenue S.W.,Washington D.C. 20201. April 2007. The report addresses the prevalence of obesity among American Indians/Alaska Natives, its contributing factors, the consequences of obesity, and published research studies on obesity intervention.
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) surveys American Indians and Alaska Natives, 12 years and older, to collect data regarding substance use and substance use disorders.
Organization: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; Date: 01 / 2007
Broken Promises: Evaluating the Native American Health Care System
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Office of the General Counsel, July 2, 2004.
The report examines: health disparities in Indian Country; social and cultural barriers that limit access to care and contribute to the disparities; financial barriers; and proposed legislation changes.
American Indians and Alaska Native: Health Coverage and Access to Care
Findings from an examination into health care access among American Indians and Alaska Natives. The study and accompaning materials examine the effects of having access to Indian Health Services and identify some of the health policy issues facing Native Americans.
Research Regulation in American Indian/Alaska Native Communities: Policy and Practice Considerations
Federal Communications Commission: Tribal Homepage
Native American Public Telecommunications
Native Voice One: The Native American Radio Service
Arizona Tribal Health Listserv
Updates on funding opportunities, events, resources specifically for American Indians in Arizona
Contact Agnes Attakai at to be placed on the listserv.
Arizona Health Disparities Center Email Network
The AHDC email network provides regular updates on news, funding opportunities, publications and events related to health disparities. Subscribers receive links/attachments to the latest resources identified by AHDC on their selected topic by email. Please join the ADHC email network of your choice to receive these updates.
Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) NutritionTalk listserv.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) NutritionTalk listserv. You are invited to subscribe to this electronic mail discussion group (also known as a listserv) that will spotlight food, nutrition, and health education and research issues related to Native Americans, particularly those participating in the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR). If you would like to join the FDPIR NutritionTalk Listserv click here to subscribe:
U.S. National Library of Medicine: American Indian Health portal
Medline Plus: Native American Health
Native Health Database (NHD)
Provides bibliographic information and abstracts of over 3,500 health-related articles and resource documents developed primarily by IHS staff, tribal health professionals, and health care practitioners working in American Indian and Alaska Native communities as well as some online, full-text documents and direct links to reputable American Indian and Alaska Native general health and wellness web sites, and linkages to Medline citations focusing on the Indian population.
The American Indian/Alaska Native Cancer Information Resource Center and Learning Exchange
Indian Health Service
Division of Epidemiology and Disease Prevention: Cancer
American Diabetes Association: Native American Programs
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse: American Indian and Alaska Natives
I.H.S. Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention
FEMA On-Line Course to Help Build Effective Partnerships with Tribal Governments
(free interactive computer based course)
- Build effective partnerships with tribal governments
- Work in concert with tribal governments to protect native people and property against all types of hazards
- certificate of completion provided
- Visit
Celebrating Safe Food at Pow Wows training video
Nutrition Education Resource Guide for Native Communities
Resources and Tips for Working with American Indians and Alaskan Natives
A Tip Sheet with resources written by many American Indians and Alaskan Natives to promote fruits and vegetables in culturally appropriate manners. It includes agricultural products sold by tribal communities as well as available free seeds for gardening.
A River of Recipes: Native American Recipes using Commodity Foods
Provides many recipes of interest to Native Americans incorporating foods that are distributed through Commodity Foods Programs. Also has information on food safety and food measurements
Protect the Circle of Life: Immunize Our Nations: CDC
Indian Community Health Profile Project Toolkit