Naloxone Trainings

What is Opioid Use Disorder and Naloxone? 

Many in our communities are struggling with accidental opioid overdoses. Opioids are heroin, prescription drugs (like hydrocodone and oxycodone), and other drugs with fentanyl (a strong and potentially lethal opioid). Opioid Use Disorder is a medical condition that may cause an individual to be at risk for a possibly fatal overdose. Naloxone is a life-saving Opioid overdose reversal drug that can be used by anyone.

Save a life. Carry Naloxone. 

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Online Training for CHWs and CHRs:

Recognition and Management of Opioid Overdose for Community Health Workers and Representatives - is a free training module to instruct CHWs and CHRs to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose. It can be completed asynchronously, online, and at the learner's desired pace. This module was developed as a part of the CDC Data to Action Linkages to Care grant by UArizona faculty, staff, and community partners. It is available through Virtual Lecture Hall. Contact for more information.

Online Training for EMTs and Law Enforcement: 

Naloxone Administration for EMT and Law Enforcement Training – is a free training module to instruct EMTs and Law Enforcement Officers to recognize opioid overdose and administer naloxone. It can be completed asynchronously, online, and at the learner’s desired pace. The module was developed upon completion of the Arizona First Responders Initiative (2018 – 2022) by faculty at UArizona and is available through the LearnWorlds online learning management system. Contact Joyce Hospodar for more information.

Roadmap for First Response Encounters of Patients with Potential Substance Use Disorders (SUDs)

The Roadmap is a free ADHS-sponsored introduction to the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) approach. This pre-recorded, online presentation is designed to train First Responders to recognize signs of substance use disorders and provide resources for treatment. » Click for training video.

About the AzCRH Naloxone Training Program:

The Arizona Center for Rural Health (AzCRH), in collaboration with the Arizona Department of Health Services, Sonoran Prevention Works, and the Arizona Community Health Workers Association, is working to prevent opioid-related deaths by building the capacity of Community Health Workers and Representatives (CHW/Rs), community leaders, and students to carry and use Naloxone. 

  • Hosted naloxone trainings for AZ Community Health Workers and Representatives, students, and other community leaders statewide

  • Encouraged collaborations between EMS organizations, their local CHW/Rs and Peer Support Specialists, and the OAR line

"A community health worker is defined by APHA as a “frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of and/or has an unusually close understanding of the community served. This trusting relationship enables the worker to serve as a liaison/link/intermediary between health/social services and the community to facilitate access to services and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery."

Fill out the Naloxone Request form from the Arizona Department of Health Services to get started. Be sure to leave the Agency Type blank if yours is not listed. Contact with any questions.

Become a Naloxone Distributor 


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