Conversations That Matter: The Impact Advance Care Planning and the Arizona Healthcare Directives Registry
A gap exists between what patients say they want, and the care received. When people are empowered to have conversations about their wishes, the likelihood of them completing an advance directive and receiving goal-concordant care substantially increases. Barriers to completing directives are lack of knowledge, cultural & ethnic taboos, and a foundational reluctance to engage in the topic.
To improve goal-concordant care and increase the completion of directives, these barriers must be addressed. Join us for this presentation, as it will introduce how the Arizona Healthcare Directives Registry (AzHDR) is working to increase the number of registered advance directives and engage providers in using the registry to view directives. Details on how Contexture is using the power of community engagement will be shared including the build out of the “Choose Your Person” campaign and a Community Assistor training.
When: Thursday, January 11, 2024
Time: 10am – 11am
• Member Price is for members of the AzRHA. If you are a member, please login before registering.
• Non-Member – $25.00 For non-members of AzRHA. This includes a 1-year membership.
Presenter: Carla Sutter, MSW
Ms. Sutter holds her master's in social work. She has concentrated her career on End-of-Life tools and conversations and has served as a trainer/facilitator on advance directives and POLST documents. At Contexture she has focused on engaging healthcare and community organizations along with consumers directly on enhancing goal concordant care through advance care planning and the resulting documents. Her thesis: Developing ethnic and cultural competence in Social Work practice has guided how she approaches advance care planning, to ensure that conversations are able to honor