AzCRH Webinar: Connecting Communities: Telehealth as a Tool for Equity

With Dr. Lois Ritter



12 p.m. – 1 p.m., Sept. 19, 2024

Telehealth Awareness Week
Thursday, September 19, 2024

12:00 - 1:00 pm MST

Connecting Communities: Telehealth as a Tool for Equity
Learning objectives:

Identify how telehealth has improved health equity

Explain what is needed to escalate the success beyond broadband expansion

Identify actions to fulfill those expansion needs  

Dr. Lois Ritter is the Research Director at the American Telemedicine Association. She has worked telehealth and public health regional and national studies, many of which were in rural regions. For these research projects she developed and implemented studies, analyzed the data, and disseminated the findings. These studies have included working with diverse stakeholders in varied cultural, political, geographic, and social context. She has a doctorate degree, three master’s degrees, and several certifications. Dr. Ritter is a published author, including her award-winning textbook, Multicultural Health. She has presented at regional, national, and international conferences.