AzCRH Webinar: Harm Reduction Strategies

A Special National Rural Health Day Webinar

Elisa Gumm, DO


Noon – 1 p.m., Nov. 17, 2022

Presenter: Elisa Gumm, DO

Learning objectives

  • Develop the harm reduction conversation skills
  • List the most common harm reduction tools
  • Assess the optimal way to distribute harm reduction tools


Dr. Gumm is the Medical Director of Addiction Services at the SAVAHCS in Tucson, AZ and the Director or the Addiction Medicine Fellowship program at the University of Arizona College of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry. She developed the Addiction Medicine Fellowship in 2018, and in 2020 she secured a $1.4 million Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant to expand the fellowship and further enhance the infrastructure of the program. Dr. Gumm has over eight years of experience working in inpatient detoxification with consult liaison services, outpatient addiction clinic, and inpatient residential rehabilitation programs. Dr. Gumm has a passion for Addiction program implementation and has assisted other facilities in developing Addiction Medicine services thus increasing access within the VA and Banner systems.

