AzCRH Webinar: Project ECHO: Improving Health in Arizona, Fast.

Adrienne Madhavpeddi


Noon – 1 p.m., July 20, 2023

Define and understand the Project ECHO model

Analyze how existing ECHO opportunities can be leveraged to increase patient access to services

Examine new opportunities for leveraging the ECHO model to address needs throughout your local community.

ADRIENNE MADHAVPEDDI, MS is the Director of ASU’s Project ECHO programs, a Continuing Medical Education platform designed to increase the capacity of local providers and improve access to care for those living in rural and underserved areas. Adrienne has served in this role since she spearheaded the effort to establish ASU as an official Project ECHO replicating partner in 2019. Since then, she has led the development and launch of 21 ECHO programs in Arizona. Adrienne is also a Project Manager Senior with ASU’s Center for Healthcare Delivery and Policy. She is also faculty within NAU’s Doctorate of Medical Science program, housed within the Physician Assistant Studies program. Lastly, Adrienne is currently pursuing a PhD in Global Health with a particular focus on workforce development and program evaluation.