Will Humble, Executive Director, Arizona Public Health Association
Learning Objectives:
Identify 3 new ways local public health authority has been preempted by state laws.
⊲ Describe how the current and future governors will have less public health emergency authority compared with that enjoyed by the governor and ADHS director during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
⊲ Be able to provide a status update of bills affecting public health authority that have been introduced during the 2023 legislative session.
Will Humble is a long-time public health enthusiast and is currently the Executive Director for the Arizona Public Health Association (AzPHA). His 40 years in public health include more than 2 decades at the Arizona Department of Health Services, where he served in various roles including as the Director from 2009 to 2015. He continues it be involved in health policy in his role as the Executive Director for the AZPHA. Will is a believer in using evidence-based health policy to improve health outcomes and in leading and managing with emotional intelligence. Follow him on Twitter @willhumble_az