Help is available as AHCCCS resumes regular Medicaid renewal process

The Arizona Medicaid program, the Arizona Health Care and Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), has resumed the regular renewal process for its members. During the COVID-19 pandemic public health emergency, Medicaid programs were required to implement continuous eligibility (e.g., suspension of most disenrollments) for their members in exchange for enhanced federal funding. This led to an all-time high health insurance coverage rate in the U.S. as well as an all-time enrollment high of AHCCCS members, 2.5 million as of March 2023.
This continuous enrollment measure was officially ended by Congress on April 1, 2023 and the AHCCCS program began its regular renewal process in February, with the first discontinuations/disenrollments beginning in April. AHCCCS estimates approximately 670,000 members are in the “covid override” population. This population is divided into two groups, those who are potentially “factually ineligible” (e.g., the member has provided information to AHCCCS indicating they are no longer Medicaid eligible) and those who have not responded to requests for additional information from AHCCCS.
Data from the AHCCCS renewal dashboard report shows that almost 80% of all AHCCCS enrollment discontinuations at renewal (includes regular and COVID override population) as of June 6 (148,637) were for procedural reasons. “Procedural discontinuance means AHCCCS eligibility ended because the customer did not provide information needed to determine ongoing eligibility or did not respond to a renewal form requesting information.” Additionally, 38% of discontinuances so far are for children under age 19 (includes KidsCare and Medicaid). This may indicate that increased outreach and communication to families is warranted.
Data from AHCCCS also shows that the starting number of members in the COVID override population was 674,588. In terms of override discontinuances, 46% of total discontinuances so far report their ethnicity as Mexican, Mexican American, Hispanic/Latino/a or Spanish origin, another/unknown Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin, Cuban or Puerto Rican. This is 10% greater compared to the overall population enrolled in AHCCCS as of January 2023, which was 36%. People who identify as Mexican, Mexican American, Hispanic/Latino/a or Spanish origin, another/unknown Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin, Cuban or Puerto Rican, may be overrepresented in the override group. This may indicate that increase outreach and communication to this group is warranted.
The AHCCCS contracted health plans, health care organizations, and other community stakeholders across the state are working to provide information to AHCCCS members about the steps they need to take to renew their AHCCCS coverage. It is important to inform AHCCCS members about responding to request for information from AHCCCS and that if they are no longer eligible, they have other health insurance coverage options.
For members who are no longer AHCCCS eligible, they have health insurance options through the health insurance marketplace. People who need coverage can go to to make a free appointment with health insurance assistors and navigators, and there are options across the state.
What can you do?
If you are worried about losing your Medicaid/AHCCCS coverage, please do the following:
- Make sure your mailing address, phone number, and email address on file is correct in
- Sign up for text or email alerts from AHCCCS at
- Check your mailbox for a letter from AHCCCS about renewal of coverage
- Respond to any requests from AHCCCS for more information so the agency can accurately determine eligibility
Organizations and communities can find resources and toolkits here
Navigator assistance
The AzCRH Navigator program conducts outreach across the state to those at risk of losing AHCCCS eligibility. Our three navigators enroll approximately 35 individuals per month in AHCCCS along with enrollments to Marketplace plans. We currently conduct targeted outreach to those at high risk of losing coverage.