Tuesday, January 31, 2023

8 a.m. – 3 p.m., Jan. 31, 2023
Thank you to all who could attend the Arizona Rural and Public Health Policy Forum
The Virginia G. Piper Auditorium in downtown Phoenix was filled to capacity.
Check out the photo gallery from the event!
Session Recordings:
- Welcome & Opening Remarks, Dan Derksen
- Dr. Jeffrey Reynoso, Regional Director, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Region IX
- Public Health Impacts via the U.S. Supreme Court James Hodge, JD, LLM
- Health Equity and the Arizona Department of Health Services Siman Qaasim, Chavon Woods, Arizona Department of Health Services
- Arizona Rural Health Association Updates Holly Figueroa, President, Arizona Rural Health Association
- Tons of Public Health Authority Was Lost to Preemption in 2022: Is a Claw-back Possible? Will Humble, Arizona Public Health Association
- Social Determinants of Health & Key IT Policy Issues Melissa Kotrys, MPH, CEO, Contexture
- Making it Happen Locally - New Developments in State and Local Policies Meghan McCabe, Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association, Dr. Bob England, The Arizona Partnership for Immunization, Amanda Aguirre, Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. Facilitated by Nancy Johnson, Senior Director Strategy Global MD, University of Arizona
- Tribal Heath Panel: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples Dr. John Molina, San Carlos Apache Healthcare, Dr. Adalberto Lopez Renteria, Pacua Yaqui Tribe Health Department, Kim Russell, Arizona Advisory Council on Indian Health Care, Facilitated by Timian Godfrey, University of Arizona College of Nursing
- Arizona Organizations Policy Snapshots
- Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Agency Update Dana Flannery, AHCCCS Senior Policy Adviser and Assistant Director for the Division of Community Advocacy and Intergovernmental Relations

Mariah Erhart