Faculty & Staff Directory

The Az Center for Rural Health is part of the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health at The University of Arizona


Daniel Derksen

Associate Vice President for Rural Health Workforce Development Initiatives Office of the Senior VP for the University of Arizona Health Sciences
Senior Advisor, Arizona Area Health Education Center Program
Walter H. Pearce Endowed Chair & Director, Arizona Center for Rural Health
Professor of Public Health, Medicine & Nursing

Leila Barraza

Director, Arizona Area Health Education Centers Program
Associate Professor, Public Health Practice & Translational Research
Interim Department Chair, Public Health Practice & Translational Research, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health

Bryna Koch

Assistant Research Professor, Public Health Practice, Policy & Translational Research
Interim Program Director, Public Health Policy & Management
Director, Rural Health Professions Program (RHPP), College of Public Health

Bridget S. Murphy

Assistant Research Professor, Health Promotion Sciences
Center Lead, Overdose Data to Action-Sate (OD2A-S)
Faculty Lead, Addiction and Substance Use Certificate and Public Health Minor programs
Education and Workforce Research Director, Comprehensive Center for Pain and Addiction

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