Record breaking attendance with over 300 registrants

For the past 48 years the Arizona Center for Rural Health has hosted the Annual Arizona Rural Health Conference, making it one of the longest continually running rural health conference in the United States. The Arizona Rural Health Conference provides an environment for networking and dissemination of pertinent information among professionals and community members from rural Arizona and the Southwest.
The theme for this year's conference is "Enhancing The Rural Health Ecosystem."
Agenda (5/17/23)
Slideshow: a look back in pictures
Speaker presentations CAH and Rural Health Clinic Summit Monday, June 5
- AZ - CAH Revenue Cycle Priorities
- AZ - Primary Care and Hospital Operations
- AZ - RHC Best Practices
- AZ - Patient Centered Medical Home Model
- Compliance with COP
- CrossTx Arizona Rural Health Clinic Summit
- Southern Arizona Hospital Alliance (SAHA)
Speaker presentations Tuesday, June 6
- General Session: Gun Violence in Arizona: Data to Inform Prevention Policies
- General Session; An Update on the State of Arizona Public University Investments in the Physician Assistant Workforce: Building Bidirectional Paths for the Future
- How to Design the Arizona Social Vulnerability Index Data Dashboard
- CommunityCares: Arizona's SDOH Solution for Whole Person Care
- Promotores, Peers, and Family Support Specialists: Opportunities for Rural Arizona
- An Ecological Approach to Increase Workforce Capacity for Addiction Prevention, Harm Reduction, and Treatment
- Implementation of Peer Support Specialists in a Rural Hospital and Healthcare System
- Modern Medication Assisted Treatment Methods in Today's Rural America
- Building Capacity of Rural Health Providers to Promote Maternal Mental Health: Launch of a Statewide Program
- Improving Maternal Outcomes by Expanding the Midwifery Workforce in Arizona Communities
- Lunch Session: And You Thought Rural Dentistry Was Just About Teeth!
- Intellectual and Developmental Disability Access to Equitable Services and Resources
- Engaging Arizonans to Make Meaningful Impact
- The University of Arizona Genetic Counseling Graduate Program: Addressing the Gap in Clinical Genetic Services in Arizona
- Swing Bed Quality
- Advance Care Planning: Tying a Community Ecosystem to the Success of and Advance Directive Registry
- Powering Community Health Workers (CHWs) in Rural: The Rural Arizona CHW Workforce Development Network in Action
Speaker presentations Wednesday, June 7
- General Session: Federal Support for the Rural health Ecosystem: Challenges and Opportunities
- Health Justice Gaps in Rural Communities: Two Case Studies in the Southwest
- Arizona Primary Care Office: Role and Current Workforce Programs
- Conectate: Connecting Communities Through Community Health Worker (CHW) Workforce Development
- Cooperative Extension's Role in the Rural Health Ecosystem
- Arizona Community Health Worker Voluntary Certification, Representative Billing, and Reimbursement
- Arizona Librarians Fostering Resilient Rural Communities
- Developing a Diverse Rural Healthcare Workforce: Recruitment, Retention, and Clinical Training
- End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Patients Staying Local in Rural America
- Workforce Development: Growing Our Own through Pipeline Programs to Job Placement and Beyond
- Proyecto Juntos A CHW Lead Initiative t Address Vaccine Hesitancy in Rural, Underserved Southeast Arizona
- Using Data to Inform Health Workforce Development
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Community Health Workers for COVID Response and Resilient Communities (CDC-CCR) Grant: Contribution to the Sustainability of Tribal Community Health Representative Programs in Arizona
- Enhancing Access to Urological Care for Rural Populations
- Arizona Rural Health Policy Update and Ideas for 2024 - Panel