Hopi Health Care Center

The Hopi Health Care Center, located in Polacca, Arizona, was built on the Hopi Reservation and serves approximately 7,000 people from both the Hopi and Navajo tribes. The Service Unit site was selected for its central accessibility, where most residents can reach the Center within 35-40 minutes.  The Center is JCAHO accredited providing innovative health care services to the areas residents. The ambulatory care setting offers primary and preventative medical services, while the facility offers a 2-bed birthing unit, a 4-bed Medical/Surgical adult/pediatric unit supported by a staff of 12 physicians and 3 physician extenders. Services provided include general family medical care, surgical follow-up, pediatric and obstetric services. An eye clinic, staffed by 2 optometrists, provides refraction and general eye care. Seven dentists are stationed at the Center and at a satellite clinic providing dental services. Major trauma, acute surgical emergencies and high-risk obstetric patients are transported to Tuba City Indian Medical Hospital, Chinle Hospital, Phoenix Indian Medical Center or to several other contracted health facilities.

Chief Executive Officer:
 Amanda Hicks

Hospital Contact Information:
PO Box 4000
Polacca, AZ 86042
(928) 737-6000
Fax:(928) 737-6001


Designation Date: 11/21/02

Frontier and Remote Area (FAR) Code: 4

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Hopi Health Care Center, Polaaca

Hopi Emergency Medical Services

Based at Hopi Medical Care Center

Mailing Address:
Hopi Emergency Medical Services
Post Office Box 1010
Polacca, Arizona 86042

Emergency Contact: 928.738.2233
EMS Office: 928.737.6358
Secretary: 928.737.6357
Fax: 928.737.6046
Email: contact@hopiems.org

Bureau of Indian Affairs Fire Department
Keams Canyon Fire Department
100 Main St, Keams Canyon, NAVAJO County, AZ 86034
(928) 738-2207
Fax: 928-738-5257

Hopi Agency Fire Rescue/Hope Wildland Fire Management
Division of Bureau of Indian Affairs
Phone: (928) 734-1621

Air Ambulance:

Guardian Air
1200 N. Beaver Street P.O. Box 1905
Flagstaff, AZ 8600
Telephone: (928) 773-2145    
FAX: (928) 773-2308
Contact: Mark Venuti, Executive Director
Email: Mark.Venuti@nahealth.com

Has both fixed wing and a helicopter based in Winslow and Flagstaff